
Strength Is In Community

Strength can be found within a community. If you want to find a community of people who are looking to encourage and motivate each other, I suggest joining our social platform, GuideSpirations. It's a place created for people who are looking to improve their lives.

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About Rebecca

Meet your life coach...

My name is Rebecca Rowe. I'm a certified life coach through Transformation Academy. My job is to guide you. I'm not a psychiatrist or a psychologist so I can't help you with those types of issues. I'm here to give you inspiration and motivation to make changes in your life. You're looking for a life change and my job is to give you instructions that you can either follow or not. The choice is up to you.

Rebecca Rowe

Certified Life Coach

What I Do

Life Coaching

What is a life coach? A life coach is a person who counsels and encourages clients on matters having to do with careers or personal challenges. 

A Life Coach is NOT your therapist.

Reaching Goals

A Life Coach can help you set goals and reach them.

Overall Personal Growth

A Life Coach can provide you with help and support to gain personal growth.

Solutions From Home


You can find the help you need from the privacy of your own home. No need to worry about other people seeing you go into an office to get help.

Access From Anywhere

If you'd rather access your help from the local coffee shop, you can. There's no restrictions on where you access your help.

Community Access

With our own social platform you'll have access to a community of people like you who are looking to change their lives.

Experience speaks for itself

I've spent years learning and researching multiple topics. I understand that each person has unique needs that need addressed. Let me help you find the perfect fit for you.

Inspirational Support
Motivational Support
Spiritual Support

Your Life Coach


Help On Your Schedule

We all know that life these days is fast paced. Finding time to do things during "normal" office hours is hard. With this system, you can find the help you need on your schedule - right from home!